Winter Tree Removal in Ottawa

We all love trees and they are great for the environment, however at times you find that you have to remove a tree from your property. You may be wondering when the best time to remove the tree would be and of course the particular reason for removing the tree is the biggest determining factor although there are some benefits to removing a tree in the winter time.
The winter season can be the perfect time to remove a tree in Ottawa in fact! If you are considering or have decided on removing a tree or stump or even just some of the branches from a tree, you should definitely consider doing so in the winter months. Here are some of the main benefits to removing a tree in the winter time.
Less Diseases and Faster Recovery
If you are looking to prune or to have some branches maintained then the winter provides the perfect time for you to hire a tree removal expert because there are fewer diseases that can enter the open wounds in your tree’s bark. Furthermore, your tree is dormant during the winter season and any of the wounds created from pruning the tree will not be exposed until the change of seasons to Spring.
No Noisy Chainsaws in the Summer
The perfect time to enjoy your yard and spend time with family is in the summer time. Do you really want to share those wonderful family gatherings with the noise from a chainsaw? Probably not. If you put off your tree removal (assuming it’s not an emergency) until the winter months then you will be able to enjoy your summer time without noise and cutting and a team of tree removal experts until the winter season.
When considering to remove your tree from your property, it may seem like something you can DIY however when you compare the costs of tool rental, equipment and other unexpected expenses, the costs can add up quickly when doing it yourself. Furthermore, tree removal is usually a pretty dangerous task that should be left to professional arborists. Plus hiring a professional can also offer some risk-assessments with an on-site inspection that can prevent some other costly damage to your property or even persons. Give yourself some peace of mind and hire a professional tree removal company in Ottawa.
We have helped countless home owners in Ottawa get rid of trees safely, efficiently and affordably and we can help you, too. Our highly experienced arborists in Ottawa are trained to deal with any tree removal you have in any location in Ottawa and surrounding areas and we can assure you that no damage will be done to your property.
In conclusion, if you have an emergency tree removal then call us any time of year but if you can wait until the winter there can be some added bonuses for you so that you can enjoy your summer. Of course, we accept all tree removal jobs all year round – just give us a call!